About us

We are a professional firm in the architectural field. Our specialty is developing architectural projects and constructing for residential purposes and urban equipment, vertical edification, commercial, corporative, infrastructure and services, along with making remodels and adaptations of all kinds in existing edifications.

The team is formed by a group of high expertise professionals in the architectural and construction field; we count with qualified workforce in everything we construct and we are conscious about how our work can be environmental friendly in order to improve people’s quality of life, as well as contribute in preserving the natural resources for longer, with architectural projects of long life, sustainable and with great quality.

We cover the necessities of our clients from the moment in which the idea of investing in real-estate is born; we assess them with the best proposal possible in a determined place, taking into consideration the land use permits, feasibility and other subjects which help us recommend the most adequate project in benefit of their interests. Our objective is to provide an efficient service, with an esthetic proposal of design, functional and in accordance with the circumstances of each project.

Arq. Miguel Pérez de Nicolás

Despacho Tres Ciudad de Querétaro
Registro CAEQ #1214 D.R.O. #1234
Colegio de Arquitectos del Estado de Querétaro AC

Arq. Diego Alejandro Franco Mejía


Company Values









We plan and execute,
with our clients, real-estate projects.


Contribute to the society with surroundings which add value to the Mexican architecture, being recognized by our efficient and esthetic designs, standing out by our commitment of creating unique and soothing spaces, without high environmental impact during their construction or lifespan.

To be an architectural firm nationally recognized, capable of responding adequately to the necessities of any client, always covering the expectations of costs, timelines and delivery of results.


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